Monday, June 29, 2009

Impact of iPhone and Other Wireless Technologies on FCC and FDA Policy

Availability of powerful wireless phones (e.g., iPhone) and new mobile healthcare applications and services that support patient monitoring or help patients manage conditions and treatment regimens raises questions of policy implications for the FCC and the FDA. The FCC has jurisdiction over the use of the electromagnetic spectrum used by cellphones and devices that are attached to or are implanted in patients to monitor and transmit information wirelessly to health care providers. The FDA is responsible for approving medical devices before they are made available to the public....MORE

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unbound Medicine's uCentral Supports iPhone Users in Medical Institutions

Unbound Medicine has released an application for iPhone™ and iPod® touch devices in institutions that subscribe to uCentral™, a custom point-of-need solution purchased by medical libraries to deliver information such as 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Harrison's Manual of Medicine, The Merck Manual, Davis's Drug Guide, and Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary...MORE

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Developers See iPhone Potential as a Medical Device

With 30 milllion iPhones sold and over 1 billion apps downloaded in two years, pharma companies and third-party developers are thinking of ways to make and market medical applications for both patients and professionals...MORE

Monday, June 01, 2009

5-Minute Clinical Consult for Mobile + Web Available from Unbound Medicine

The new 2010 edition of 5-Minute Clinical Consult is now available from Unbound Medicine in a unique mobile/web configuration. Subscribers get the latest information on the diagnosis and treatment of 715 medical conditions plus 200 bonus topics on common pediatric diseases. The subscription includes regular updates and 1 year of free access to a drug database, patient education, and more at MORE...