Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Google May Offer Free Wi-Fi Nationwide

A magazine is speculating that Google is gearing up to offer free Wi-Fi service across the United States. Om Malik, in a recent article in Business 2.0, points out that Google is buying up unused fiber-optic cable all over the U.S.
Full Story

LifeDrive Podcast and Videocast Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to get podcasts and videos automatically on your palmOne LifeDrive each time you synchronize. Tutorial

Hands Free Calling with Treo for Audi Drivers

Palm and Audi of America, today announced their collaboration in a new generation of communications solutions designed to improve safety and convenience for drivers: easy and totally integrated hands-free calling inside the car. Using built-in Bluetooth wireless technology and the Palm Treo 650 smartphone, drivers of 2006 Audi A6 and A8 vehicles can make and receive calls totally hands-free using the car's MMI (Multi Media Interface) console, voice-recognition interface or steering-wheel controls. More

Monday, August 22, 2005

Addiction to Crackberry

According to some, BlackBerry usage can be very addictive -- so much so it has earned the nickname "Crackberry". All of Unbound Medicine PDA, Web, and Wireless products support the BlackBerry platform. Medical professionals can now get hooked on titles like Harrison's, Taber's, and Medicine Central on the Blackberry. Read More.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Is This The Palm Treo 700?

News of the Treo 670 has barely heated up, and already there’s a rumor about the Treo 700. Cool Tech Times shows a really convincing photograph of what it purports to be the Treo 700. More

Making the case for Windows on Palm devices

A senior Palm executive says his company could benefit from building a mobile computing device that runs on the Windows operating system made by once-bitter rival Microsoft. Full article

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Windows Mobile 5.0 Allows a Single Application to Run on Both Pocket PCs and Smartphones

Although the two versions of Windows Mobile have a great deal in common, currently developers have to modify their Pocket PC applications to run on the Smartphone version, and vice versa. More

Are Handheld's Evolving into Regular Computers?

Editor-in-Chief of Brighthand.com, Ed Hardy contemplates the differences between PDA's and handhelds. Claiming "Devices are separated into these categories by how they are intended to be used....A PDA is a peripheral for a desktop or laptop computer. A handheld, in contrast, can stand alone (although they aren't used this way often enough)." More

Palm Releases Major Cingular Treo 650 Update

Palm and Cingular Wireless have made available an update to the Treo 650. Cingular Wireless Treo 650 customers will be notified of this update via an SMS. The ROM update offers many improvements including NVFS fixes, voice quality enhancements and improved battery performance. More